S K Nagda & Company is the best Trust Registration Consultancy CA firm in Udaipur Rajasthan India providing consultancy service to all client’s for last decades. Our Expert Team provides the full and all type of solution to the client’s according to their requirement and needs.
We provide trust registration consultancy services for all type of trust like Educational Trust, Public Trust, Trust Deed Registration, Educational Trust Registration Services, Registration of Trust Under Trust Registration Act 1882 , We know answers of all the following queries"- Trust Registration procedure , How to registrar of trust, Where to register Trust, Where to apply to register a Trust, Address of registar of Trust, What act are applicable to Trust Regisration, New Trust Registration Procedure, Trust registration form, Online Trust Registration , Documents Require for Trust Registration , List of documents for Trust registration, Trust Registration Process etc .
For all India level or State level , Our CA experts in Udaipur assisting in Trust Registration, Society Registration, Section 25 Companies Registration, Exemption U/s 80G ,12A and 35AC of Income Tax Act, 1961 for Trust, Society, Section 25 companies, and registration of Trust, Society, Section 25 companies under Foreign Contribution Regulation (FCRA) Act, 1976 .
We are the top Trust Registration Consultancy firm in Udaipur Rajasthan India providing complete consultancy to the NGO, Trust and Societies and preparing, maintaining and timely compliance of legal, financial, accounts records.