Do you need Udyog Aadhar Registration? Consult expert Chartered Accountants in Udaipur related to it. Briefly, the process of getting MSME or SSI Registration has been simplified India. Prior to applying for MSME registration entrepreneurs were required to obtain two different registration. Those are (Entrepreneurs Memorandum) EM Part-1 and EM Part-2. On account of the complicate procedure, many MSMEs have not been getting registered themselves. The online Udyog Aadhar registration process has been brought in by the Govt of India with the object to encourage online filing of Entrepreneurs Memorandum (also known as MSME Registration) for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Thus the Udyog Aadhar Registration process is simplified with online registration process . In this the MSME need will self certify its existence, bank account, business activity details, employment and ownership details etc. We are the top CA Consultants in Udaipur Rajasthan advising entrepreneurs about Udyog Aadhar Registrantion.